Does Plank Help Lose Weight - How To Do It Right

For starters, it's interesting to learn whether planks help with weight loss and what it does for body muscles. Regular exercise has a positive effect on all muscle groups. Two minutes of gymnastics is enough, the waist is well-defined, steel-pressed, the hips are elastic, and there is no sign of cellulite. The rack looks simple, but has its own secrets and performance features. It's worth learning more about them.

what is a plank

The most famous weight loss exercise is to tighten the muscles of the body with regular performance in just two minutes a day. It's suitable for busy people who don't have time for a full workout, for whom the ideal body remains an unattainable goal. The trainers compared the effectiveness of the racks to hourly work in the gym -- both external and internal muscles of the arms, legs, back, abs and spine are affected while performing.

Can exercise help you lose weight

Universal exercise is considered a weight loss plank, involving every muscle in the body, toning and tightening the skin. It works, no special equipment is required to implement, it is done in the shortest possible time, and it is easy to find a place to perform it. It is possible to lose weight with its help, but with proper technique, combined with aerobic load and diet.

Does it help with stomach removal?

Planks are very effective and work on the anterior, internal obliques, lateral pressure, and rectus abdominis. Appropriate regular exercise can reduce abdominal volume and build muscle. The waist is thinned, the back is strengthened, a graceful posture appears, the neck is elongated, and the line of the shoulders becomes expressive. Every day on the shelf, body fat burns.

tablet weight loss

for buttocks

The hip brace works just as well: it strengthens the hips, tightens them, and imparts tone. For a sedentary job, there's no question about whether this type of training can help with weight loss -- it does, and it works very well. A simple exercise that flexes the buttocks and eliminates cellulite by increasing blood circulation to problem areas. The complex plank with the legs up improves the shape of the hips and works on the deep muscles to speed up the fat-burning process.

what the rack gave

As an exercise that requires only two minutes a day, the benefits of static training for weight loss are invaluable. The body is at rest, but it engages the deepest muscles. Here are some options for using racks:

  • Increased metabolism in problem areas;
  • tighten the body contour;
  • Increased blood circulation, rapid process of fat breakdown;
  • increase flexibility, endurance;
  • The hips are elastic and the lower abdomen is flat;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • Helps to lose weight and get rid of excess weight;
  • Increase physical relief.

The injuries here are only caused by incorrect execution - back, lower back, neck pain. The first time after the execution, the deep muscles that are not used to the load under normal conditions will be injured. Massages, hot baths, even loads all over the body help to get rid of them. Improper muscle tone can cause pinching - pay attention to rack accuracy to avoid injury.

what muscles work

This exercise is considered non-isolating and doesn't specifically target the abs or back. Trainers call it general strengthening, isometric and static (no joint movements). To understand the execution process, you should be familiar with which muscles are at work:

  1. Case - abdomen, back. The stance focuses on the spinal extensors, rectus and transverse abdominis. The muscle groups of the neck (trapezoid) work in it, helping with posture and supporting the neck during sedentary work.
  2. Shoulders - Static increase muscle performance. When you support your upper body with your elbows, the biceps in your shoulders work and help your biceps develop.
  3. Chest - The chest bears little load.
  4. Press - the main abdominal muscles work.
  5. Hips, thighs, calves - maintain body position and prevent sagging.
girl doing plank to lose weight

how to do it right

At the beginning of the exercise, you should be familiar with how to stand properly to lose weight quickly. Working at your own weight will always lead to weight loss. In practice, the correct approach boils down to the following steps:

  1. Lay the rug and lie down to stress.
  2. Extend your body and lean on your elbows and forearms, bending them at right angles. The foot should rest on the toes of the foot.
  3. Keep your back flat, preferably in a straight line between your head and legs.
  4. Tighten the press and notice that the mid-section doesn't sag and the hips protrude upwards.
  5. Hold for one minute and repeat five times.

for newbies

Weight loss standards for beginners seem to be hard, hard. At first, few people could stand for more than half a minute. Beginners are advised to stand for 10-15 seconds and gradually bring the time back to normal. The first time you do this, find a wall of mirrors to see your body reflexes and correct mistakes. To relieve stress, you can try the simple method of bending your knees or clenching your palms.

Some useful rules when doing exercises for beginners for quick results:

  • several times a day;
  • Stay on the shelf for a few more seconds at a time;
  • Strengthen your muscles by doing push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and deadlifts;
  • At first, don't focus on time, but on how it feels to help - stand until a burning sensation in your stomach to guarantee weight loss.


Exercise for men is considered useful and it has the following positive effects:

  • training endurance;
  • create relief;
  • Strengthen legs, thighs, buttocks;
  • Improve posture, spine condition, relieve osteochondrosis;
  • Relieve low back pain;
  • Ideal drying process to burn excess fat;
  • training balance;
  • Heal the whole body.

It is useful for men to perform traditional poses on the elbows or straight arms. Knee exercises are only for beginners - they are not as efficient as traditional ones, so they are rarely performed. The hardest is the sides, first done in statics and then complicated by spreading the legs out to the sides. To exercise the back, an option of elbow support is suitable, while the body - raises the legs.

man doing plank to lose weight

for women

It's hard at first, but easy to get used to, women's workouts involve multiple muscle groups at the same time and strengthen the heart through blood vessels. For the female body, versions of the classic arm extension, lateral and leg abduction are appropriate. Variety on the ball and variety on the knee. For women, training can:

  • Increased pressure - makes the deeply buried muscles responsible for the work of the "cube";
  • Reduced back pain - reduced severity and frequency of sensations due to the flexibility and strength of the spine;
  • Back muscle training, compound strengthening of bones;
  • develops flexibility, elasticity of the collarbone, scapula (the most inaccessible muscle);
  • The oblique muscles of the side stand stretch bench press are no worse than Pilates;
  • improve mood;
  • Strengthen your balance and make your posture even.

How to Pose Correctly

In order for the weight loss exercise to be only beneficial, it is necessary to find out the main mistakes in the photos of athletes performing at home:

  • Relaxation of the abdomen, hips, legs - this can strain the lower back and lead to injury;
  • Weight is transferred to the elbows - so not all muscles are loaded and therefore not able to lose weight.

There are some basic rules that tell you how to hold a barbell to lose weight fast without hurting your body:

  • Put your hands and toes on the ground, keep your legs together, don't spread them out, so as not to hurt your knees;
  • Tighten the hips, tighten the press, keep the hips straight, don't fall, don't swing;
  • Only relax the muscles after leaving the rack - keep your body on the rack, they should be tense;
  • Start with a 10-second run and add 5 seconds each day to a maximum of 2 minutes;
  • Do not tilt your head too low, and do not tilt it back;
  • Don't try to get to the stipulated time quickly - it's not the speed that counts, it's the quality.

at the elbow

Classic elbow braces require cushions as an optional accessory. Spread it out, preferably in front of a mirror, lie face down, take a deep breath, then exhale. Exhale and bend your elbows to a right angle, focusing on lying down. Place your elbows under your forearms and stretch like a rope, resting on your toes. Tighten your glutes, abs, buttocks, mentally lengthen a line from head to heels, and hold on for as long as you can.


Back or reverse planks are considered more difficult. For her, sit on the rug and straighten your legs. Lift your body up by placing your palms on the floor, under your shoulders, and squeezing your hips and glutes. With the severity of the performance, shift the support to the elbows. Hold for a minute, following your body level in the mirror from your shoulders to your heels. Repeat five times.

on hand

An assistant to strengthen the straps and work the biceps will be a barbell on straight arms. Stand on all fours on the mat and place your palms on the floor, under your shoulders. You need to lift your knees, emphasizing push-ups. Straighten your back and place your legs on your shoulders or already. Keep your neck straight and your belly in. Instead of flexing your lower back, tighten your glutes.


This option forces the obliques to work because the stomach is more involved in this position to support coordination:

  • Lie on your side, and as you exhale, place your elbows under your shoulders, place your hands on your thighs, and stretch your legs.
  • Squeeze your abs and glutes to the max and lift your pelvis.
  • Stretch in a straight line and hold for half a minute.
  • Don't flex your lower back, pay attention to muscle tension.
side plank for weight loss

how long it takes to get results

The minimum time to show how much you need to stand depends on the training level. For beginners, 10-15 seconds is fine, while for professionals, 2, 5, or 10 minutes is fine. There are several types of plank super plans, and alternating exercises can help to better work all muscle groups and achieve weight loss. Classes last up to 6-7 minutes.

how many times a day

The answer to the question of how many times per day do you need to do the method will be the practitioner's perception. If he has free time, you can practice whenever you want. At least once a day and at most limited by the physical strength of a girl or a man. You can charge in the morning, run the program in the afternoon, or in the evening, with rest during the workday. The continued performance of the rack helps to lose weight faster than a month.


In addition to the obvious benefits, there are some contraindications that you cannot exercise:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • Compression of the spine, neck, nerves, or vertebrae injury;
  • pregnant;
  • postoperative period.